In the News
Follow our CEO, Anita Powell on her writing journey!

As seen in USAF Overseas
In the midst of our chaotic and stressful week, Adonis and I spent the morning putting together packages to be shipped out for refugees coming from Afghanistan. While we didn't go to Ramstein ourselves, we are trying to contribute in every way we can. Adonis got a photoshoot and interview talking about how he spent his allowance to buy more toys and supplies to donate. He is such a sweet boy with such a big heart!!!
While the Relief effort was happening at our base, Adonis was not yet back in class, so he tagged along with me to volunteer. He was so interested in what was happening the first day that the next day we had planned to go, he asked if he could buy some toys to donate as well. I thought he meant just one or two, but instead he spent his entire allowance picking out toys that he thought the kids would like. He was so proud when we were putting the bags together because he knew he was making someone else smile. I posted about this on facebook and there was an outpour of friends and family that were so blown away by what he was doing that they started sending him money so he could contribute even more. He raised about $300 and turned around and spent it all on more toys and supplies that were still needed. He is only 5 but understood that how much it means to give your all to those who have less. Keep in mind, during the time this happened, Anthony was TDY for the week, so Adonis was already dealing with so much in his own life; but he still found the time and generosity to not only donate but also personally help fill bags. We are so proud of him and his accomplishments at such a young age and hope he knows that even if his contribution seemed small in the long run, it really made a huge difference.

As seen in Pardesi
As a Guyanese woman, there is a lot to unpack today. Living in the UK, it feels so comforting to be together with neighbors as we bear witness to this historic moment, but throughout my whole life I have always been conflicted about my feelings toward the Monarchy.
There is a long lineage of pain and suffering tied to being a once being a British colony. While being colonized has helped us move forward technologically and economically, it has also held us back in many other aspects. In the beginning under the Monarchy, Indians were tricked out of their homes with empty promises and hopes of better lives just to become indentured servants and met with violence and torture. However, I have lived in the UK for almost 5 years now and enjoy keeping up with all that has been done by the Crown and enjoy taking part in the various Jubilees. It’s hard to draw the line between acknowledging the past and living in it, but at some point, you have to move on, with or without the apologies. My family and I have taken part in the National Mourning and look forward to King Charles III’s coronation.

As seen in Pardesi
“Happy Indian Arrival Day!” a phrase that is often heard across the Caribbean, but is it really “happy”? I personally struggled with this when I first saw the popularity rising, but I am understanding the significance of taking back the holiday and recognizing it’s importance. We can be proud that our Indian ancestors came to the Caribbean and fused both cultures together and gave us something completely unique that we all rejoice in, being Indo-Caribbean, but at the same time, remembering what they endured and how they got there as part of our history.
When I think about being West Indian, I feel pride in the music, the culture, the food, the BEAUTY, but I can’t help looking back and seeing how it came to be. Our Indian ancestors were tricked out of their homes and brought to Guyana as indentured servants. They were forced to work on the sugar plantations with false promises of riches and hope for return, not to mention the horrifying conditions of their transport and living quarters.
So yes, we celebrate the fact that our cultures have been fused together creating the beautiful rich culture we enjoy today, but never forget where we came from.